This space was created with the intention of providing birthing people with education, resources and content to have an informed birth.

Welcome to Together in Birth's MY ESCUELA. A space created for birthing people that desire an informed birth. We know that our current medical system was not designed for ALL birthing bodies. Here you will actively and consciously prepare how to make informed choices, have active partner involvement while also helping you to choose a provider that respects and honors your birthing wishes.

Below you can find your course content:

1. Stages of Labor 

Understanding the stages of labor will help with staying calm, relaxed and feelings of safety while in labor. This will encourage you to stay home as long as possible, will help your partner understand the process better and offer comfort measures that will help with pain management.  


2. Relaxation and Coach/Partner Support-Role

3 types of relaxation




How do you cater to each of these?  How will relaxation help with labor and birth?

3. Comfort Measures 

Learn how to aide and support the laboring person through the several stages of labor. We’ll learn what positions will encourage baby to descend & engage in the pelvis, comfort tools we can use for better positions to conserve energy for both the laboring person and their labor partner and massage/pressure techniques to help labor progress. 

4. Complications, Common Interventions & Birth Plans

We’ll discuss what are the most common hospital interventions, when should you have open conversations with your provider, discuss transfers from home/birth center births, c-sections after natural spontaneous labor/or prior, what does a normal/low risk labor look like, medications, narcotics, effects on mom, baby & labor, inductions, birth plans etc…

5. Stage 3 (Pushing) & Postpartum

Learn effective ways to tune into your body. Signs that you are ready to push, allow gentle surges to make way for your baby, avoiding tears, episiotomies etc… Also what is the coaches/partners role in this stage. 

6. Newborn Assessments and Procedures 

Now that your baby is born, what happens? We’ll review the most common newborn assessments, procedures, early breastfeeding cues/tips, circumcision, newborn care, bonding, jaundice, weight expectations for baby etc.. 


Marisol Garcia is the owner/foundress of Together In Birth, a full spectrum doula practice. Marisol is focused on educating and empowering couples to achieve their best informed birth. She provides prenatal education classes, workshops, birth support services and guidance throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Marisol is also one of the Co-Founders of La Fuente Birth, Postpartum y Más. A community space located in Long Beach, CA. We are a safe space for POC families to come and gather, uplift and support each other in our parenting journeys. Here you can find breastfeeding & parent support groups, parenting workshops and a variety of classes focused on growth and personal healing. 

Marisol received her doula training from Birth Goddess Midwifery, is a certified Bradley Method®️ instructor, certified lactation education specialist through Breastfed LA® and has completed traditional Mexican rebozo workshops for use in labor & postpartum.

In 2016, she completed an intense 9 month traditional postpartum course focused on Mexican ancestral herbs & cerradas (closing of the bones/hips) for the postpartum birthing parent with Indigemama Ancestral Healing.

Marisol always strives to continue her own birth education by attending workshops and trainings, which allow her to stay up to date on the most recent evidence based birth studies, protocols & procedures.

She lives in Long Beach, California with my partner, two sons , and two dogs.